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논문 검색
Sung Soo Park, M.D., Jeong Hoon Suhk, M.D., Jung Woo Lee, M.D.
BONG BONG Plastic Surgery Clinic, Seoul, Korea
Hybrid Augmentation Mammoplasty
Sung Soo Park, M.D., Jeong Hoon Suhk, M.D., Jung Woo Lee, M.D. 2012 (Jan) 18(02) 69-74
Mammoplasty, Fat grafts, Breast Implants
Ksaps18-2-02.pdf Ksaps18-2-02.pdf
Natural look of breast after augmentation mammoplasty is a common end of both plastic surgeons and
patients. Palpability and visible rippling after augmentation mammaplasty is not a simple complication to
correct in relatively thin patients especially when there is not much soft tissues remain to cover the implant
for smooth contour. And asymmetry of the breast in accordance with the skeletal deformity, such as pectus
excavatum, can not be easily reformed with insertion of silicone implant alone. In the present study, volume
enhancement was accomplished by silicone implant augmentation and contour management was improved
with the help of fat graft technique. We named the technique “Hybrid Augmentation Mammoplasty”. From
May 2011 to Feb. 2012, the hybrid augmentation mammoplasty procedure were performed on 9 patients
who expected to have palpable implants, visible rippling or asymmetry due to their soft tissue and skeletal
condition. Breast augmentation with silicone implant was done in regular pattern followed by grafting fat
tissues utilizing Harvest-jet device into the pre-pectoral, sub-glandular and subcutaneous layer. During the
follow-up period, any patient complained palpability of the implant and all of them were satisfied with the
contour of their breast. Hereby we suggest that the hybrid augmentation mammoplasty can be an ideal,
effective and useful option in management of thin skinned patients or patients with chest wall deformities.
박성수, 석정훈, 이정우
하이브리드 가슴확대술
2012 (Jan) 18(02) 69-74