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논문 검색
Sang Min Woo, M.D., Jin Woo Kim, M.D., Jae-Hak Jung, M.D., Young Hwan Kim, M.D., Hook Sun, M.D.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inje University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea
A Surgical Correction of Pneumosinus Dilatans of Maxillary Sinus by Segmental Zygoma Ostectomy and Maxilloplasty
J Korean Soc Aesthetic Plast Surg 2010 (Jun) 016(07) 103-107
Paranasal sinus diseases, Maxillary sinus, Zygoma, Ostectomy
Ksaps016-02-07.pdf Ksaps016-02-07.pdf
Pneumosinus dilatans is defined as an abnormal enlargement of paranasal sinuses containing
only air. The frontal sinus is most commonly affected, but the maxillary sinus is rare. The surgical aims
of pneumosinus dilatans are to re-establish a permanent pressure equilibrium in the involved sinus
and to correct possible facial deformity. Generally, pneumosinus dilatans of maxillay sinus is
corrected by ostectomy of anterior wall of maxillary sinus and repositioning of removed bony
fragment. Despite correction of anterior facial contour asymmetry, asymmetry of facial width remains
to be a problem. Therefore, the authors present a technique for correction of pneumosinus dilatans
of maxillary sinus by segmental zygoma ostectomy and maxilloplasty. A 16-year-old girl with a slowly
enlarging mass in the right side of the face was referred to our department. No history of sinusitis,
nasal obstruction or facial trauma were noted. CT scan presented an abnormal enlargement of right
maxillary sinus. Surgery was delayed for 2 years until maturation of facial bone. Surgical correction
was accomplished through circumferential osteotomy with repositioning of maxillary segment and
segmental zygoma ostectomy. Postoperatively, the patient\'s facial contour was improved with equal
malar height and width and no significant complication was noted.
(J Korean Soc Aesthetic Plast Surg 16: 103, 2010)
우상민 ‧ 김진우 ‧ 정재학 ‧ 김영환 ‧ 선 욱
인제대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실
부분 관골 절제술 및 상악골 성형술을 이용한 상악동 확장증의 수술적 교정
2010 (Jun) 016(07) 103-107