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논문 검색
Jae Hoon Kim, M.D., Won Suk Oh, M.D., Sung Wan Park, M.D., Kook Hyun Kim, M.D.
April 31 Aesthetic Clinic
Various Surgical Procedures in the Scale of Upturned Nose
J Korean Soc Aesthetic Plast Surg 2010 (Feb) 016(04) 21-34
Nose, Rhinoplasty, Upturned nose, Short nose
Ksaps016-01-04.pdf Ksaps016-01-04.pdf
We should better not confuse \"short nose\" with \"the nose that the tip of it turned upward regardless
of its length\". If we simply diagnose \"the nose that the tip of it turned upward\" as \"short nose\", we might
have the risk of focusing on lengthening the whole nose instead of correcting the angle of the tip of
the nose. We, therefore, started to call \"the nose that the tip of it turned upward\" differently from \"short
nose\" in the cases of Asian patients who have relatively short and small noses. We then decided to
classify \"the nose that the tip of it turned upward\" as \"upturned nose\". And, in revision cases, we have
to be careful about changes of anatomical structures, and the usage of the amount of shared
cartilages, we have to be fully aware of various operation procedures to correct upturned nose.
Furthermore, we have to consider many other different ways of corrections that possibly need various
types of grafts and suture techniques combined or modified from the usual procedures. We achieved
satisfactory results by using this new paradigm of \"upturned nose\" and concepts of procedures to
have the better result of reforming the \"short nose\".
김재훈 ‧ 오원석 ‧ 박성완 ‧ 김국현
4월 31일 성형외과
들창코 (Upturned nose)의 정도에 따른 다양한 코성형술
2010 (Feb) 016(04) 21-34