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KSAPS 대한미용성형외과학회

Mission statement

The Koearn society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(KSAPS)

The mission of the Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery includes medical education, Public education and patient advocacy.

KSAPS is an educational organization, sponsoring scientific meetings on the latest advances in cosmetic plastic surgery. Korean Society for Aesthetic Surgery Scientific Meetings are held annually and are officially endorsed by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. KSAPS meetings are designed for attendance by qualified plastic surgeons. KSAPS is the only aesthetic society accredited by the Korean
Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The Journal of the Korean Society for Aesthetic Surgery, an official publication of KSAPS,
is the most widely rea clinical journal of cosmetic plastic surgery in Korea.

KSAPS is a research organization, collecting data on cosmetic plastic surgery, publishing annual statistics on the number of cosmetic
procedures performed, and supporting scientific and clinical studies in cosmetic plastic surgery.

KSAPS is a public information organization, providing accurate and timely information on all aspects of cosmetic plastic surgery through
this web site and working extensively with the news media through our Tele-Communication Office in Seoul.

KSAPS is a patient advocacy organization, promoting the highest standards of professional conduct among our members as well as
representing the rights of patients to be fully informed about the training and credentials of their doctors.